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Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information regarding the preferences determined by an internet user during your visit to a specific website in order to recognize you as a recurring user, personalize their use and facilitate a faster navigation.

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Technical cookies

Technical cookies are essential and necessary for the website to work properly and to use the various options and services it offers.


Galetes de tercers utilitzades en aquest lloc web

Galetes analítiques

El nostre lloc web utilitza galetes de Google Analytics. La informació que recullen aquestes galetes és transferida i arxivada per Google en els seus servidors dels Estats Units, d'acord amb les seves pràctiques de privacitat. Per a més informació de les pràctiques de privadesa de Google i com s'apliquen a Google Analytics visiteu: Política de Privadesa de Google Analytics


How to control and delete cookies

Most web browsers accept cookies, but you can change your web browser settings to reject new cookies, disable existing cookies, or notify you when someone sends you a new cookie on your device. To change the settings, follow the instructions provided by each browser:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools> Internet Options> Privacy

  • Firefox: Tools> Options> Privacy> History> Custom Settings.

  • Chrome: Settings> Show advanced settings> Privacy> Content settings.

  • Safari: Preferences> Security.

  • Opera: Configuration.

Blocking the use of cookies in your browsing may make some services or features of the website unavailable.

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Each piece is unique, as we will never have the same piece of paper or the same distribution of stains or streaks.

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©2023 per Later Joies

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